Renovation Burnout

Renovation burnout… it’s a thing!

It’s week 9 since we moved forward with the renovations and I must say I have hit a wall. I never considered this to be something that might occur. I stressed about all the hiccups that could potentially occur, but never stopped to consider the idea of having random contractors working in my home 9-5 daily for an infinite amount of time. And it seems to be there is no end in site.

Lots of walks and deep breathing happening over here. I am project managing the whole project and juggling 10-15 contractors at any given time, so to say I am overwhelmed is an understatement! I actually drove to NYC for an appt the other day and the traffic was rerouted towards the tunnel going back to NJ. I was so deep in thought that I actually went back to NJ! LMFAO! The burnout is real people! However, the results will be worth it in the end… Keep following along for a doses of renovation reality ad this old house comes back to life.


Check… Deck Reno Complete


Let the Games Begin